Expert ADHD Insights: Top Strategies and Tips for Supporting Children with ADHD
4 Healthy ADHD Breakfast Recipes for Children
Are you stuck in the cereal aisle, pondering over which box could possibly be the right choice for your child with ADHD? Let's set the record...
Natural ADHD Medicine: Everything You Need To Know
Managing ADHD symptoms can be overwhelming for both parents and children alike. Parents often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities,...
Parenting an ADHD Child Age by Age (Years 1-18)
Parenting is an ever-evolving journey that brings its own joys and challenges with each passing year. But when you're raising a child with ADHD,...
Easy, Healthy Breakfast Recipes
A protein-packed breakfast is a game-changer, especially for children with ADHD. Starting the day with a nutritious and balanced meal can...
Best and Worst Drinks for an ADHD Child
There’s something lurking in many homes that can increase hyperactivity and even potentially lead to aggressive behavior. Curious what it might be?...
Help Spread the Word to Parents of Children with ADHD
A little over a year ago, we released the book, Thriving with ADHD: A Guide to Naturally Reducing ADHD Symptoms in Your Child. Since that time,...
Toxic Chemicals In Food
Many of the “food” items on typical grocery store shelves are not food at all. Some of them have ingredients in them that are even banned or require...
Natural Supplements for an ADHD Child
Have you ever wondered if there were natural supplements or herbs that might benefit your child with ADHD? If so, keep reading as this...
Dairy-Free Berry Smoothie Recipe
Are you often looking for additional ways to incorporate vegetables into your child’s diet? If so, you’ll love this berry zinger smoothie recipe. ...