
Toxic Chemicals In Food

by | Aug 14, 2023 | Non-toxic living

Many of the “food” items on typical grocery store shelves are not food at all. Some of them have ingredients in them that are even banned or require warning labels in other countries. 

Put simply…

There are chemicals allowed into our food supply that are NOT SAFE to consume!

Most of the food chemicals that have been introduced since 2000 (almost 99% of them, according to the Environmental Working Group), were not properly reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration before they were approved for usage in food. 

Many of these chemicals are associated with significant health risks, such as cancer, hormone disruption, etc. 

According to the EWG, these food chemicals were approved because of a loophole that allows them to be “generally recognized as safe” by the companies that create them (bypassing the FDA altogether). 


Some of the worst offenders that EWG mentions include the following: 

❌Artificial Sweeteners – The FDA still claims they are safe but other studies suggest otherwise. Artificial sweeteners (such as aspartame, sucralose, etc) might affect the hormones that regulate metabolism. 

❌BHA – BHA, or Butylated hydroxyanisole, is a preservative often found in packaged meats and other foods. Some sources have linked this preservative to cancer. 

❌BHT – BHT, or Butylated hydroxytoluene, is often found in cereal and is a potential human carcinogen.

❌Artificial Colors – Artificial colors, some of which are made from petroleum, are banned by some countries, require a warning label by others, but allowed in the United States and are linked to adverse effects in children. The 7 that are most concerning are Red 3, Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 1, Blue 2, and Green 3.   

❌Nitrates and Nitrites – Nitrates and nitrites are preservatives often used in packaged meats that are associated with various forms of cancer. 

❌Propyl Paraben – Propyl paraben is a preservative often found in pastries. It is associated with developmental/reproductive concerns. 

❌TBHQ – TBHQ, or Tert-butylhydroquinone, is often found in Pop-tarts and other packaged foods and is associated with lowered immune system and decreased effectiveness of vaccinations. 

❌Potassium Bromate – Potassium bromate is a food additive often used in packaged bread products that is banned in other countries but allowed in the United States. It is a possible carcinogen. 

❌Titanium Dioxide – Titanium dioxide is used in popular candies and other processed foods to enhance color. It may cause reproductive damage in humans as well as damage to DNA.

❌Heavy Metals – Most heavy metals get into our food supply through water and soil pollution. Baby food is one of the foods that is often contaminated with heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and cadmium. 

❌BVO – Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) is a food additive used in the United States in many citrus soft drinks but banned by the European Union. Interestingly enough, BVO is also a flame retardant for plastics

❌PFAS – PFAS, or Polyfluoroalkyl, are used in food storage and known to leach into food. They are associated with a variety of health concerns, including cancer, reproductive issues, and others. 


These 12 chemicals are allowed into our food supply in the United States even though there are studies showing they could be incredibly harmful to the body. 

As a holistic health and nutrition practitioner, I recommend families avoid all 12 of these chemicals as much as possible! 


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And as always, I am not a medical doctor and the above post is based on my experience. No information on this site should be relied upon to make a medical diagnosis, treat, prevent or cure any disease or medical condition.  


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And as always, I am not a medical doctor and the above post is based on my experience. No information on this site should be relied upon to make a medical diagnosis, treat, prevent or cure any disease or medical condition.