Do you or does your child suffer with seasonal allergies?
Many families that I talk with don’t realize just how closely gut health is tied to seasonal allergies.
Did you know that many times, when we improve gut health, we can reduce those allergy symptoms too?
Many families I work with find that doing a few simple things can make a BIG difference in their seasonal allergy symptoms.
Those things include:
✅ Cleaning up the diet, removing those top inflammatory foods (especially gluten, dairy, and soy).
Allergies are inflammation, so if you remove inflammatory foods, you are reducing inflammation in the body. This makes a HUGE difference in the body’s ability to respond to seasonal allergies.
✅ Avoiding foods that are rich in histamines or that cause histamine release.
These foods include: fermented foods, avocados, bananas, oranges, peaches, pineapples, raspberries, tomatoes, eggs, etc.
✅ Eating more foods that are rich in quercetin.
These foods include: raw onions, red grapes, cherries, apples with the skin on, kale, capers, watercress, green and black tea leaves, bee pollen, and chili peppers, etc.
✅ Eating more foods that are rich in Omega-3s.
I especially love wild salmon for this.
✅ Eating local honey.
Many families find that eating small, frequent doses (1-2 teaspoons daily, 2-3 months before allergy seasons starts) can desensitize the body to seasonal allergies.
I recently recorded a YouTube video, where I went into more detail about seasonal allergies. You can check that out here.
Please note: It is always best to investigate the gut and work out why these allergy symptoms are presenting if possible. If you would like to learn more about functional lab testing and the role it plays in ADHD, you can do that here.