
Soaring Child – Thriving With ADHD

Because we believe that every child – ADHD or not – deserves the opportunity to soar. 


97 – Exercise for ADHD with Dana Kay

ADHD Thrive Institute
ADHD Thrive Institute
97 - Exercise for ADHD with Dana Kay

We often hear about the challenges that come with ADHD, but what’s not always talked about is that there are natural, fun, and effective ways to manage these challenges. Exercise and sports can be transformative for kids with ADHD.

In this episode, we’re going to explore how exercise and sports can not only boost physical health but also bring remarkable benefits to the cognitive and emotional wellbeing of children with ADHD. Discover how exercise can enhance focus, reduce impulsivity,  improve mood, and even improve self-esteem.


Link mentioned in the show: 

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 Show Notes

Key Takeaways:

[3:10] What research tells us about the benefits of exercise for ADHD

[7:43] Guidelines for how much exercise kids need at various ages

[9:14] Fun, creative ways to incorporate exercise into your daily life with your family

[17:47] Ways for preschoolers to get exercise

[18:26] Ways for school-age kids to get exercise

[18:52] Ways for tweens/teens to get exercise


Memorable Moments:

“From enhancing focus and reducing impulsivity to improving mood and self-esteem, the impact of regular physical activity is profound.”

“Not only can regular physical activity help in managing symptoms like impulsivity and attention difficulties, but it can also play a role in improving cognitive functions and even brain structure.”

“Just like everything in life, the way you approach physical exercise is all about attitude…be sure to frame physical pursuits as something fun and never a chore.”

“To encourage exercise as a family, plan unstructured activity into your family time.”

“If you make it a priority, your kids are more likely to do the same. Make it a habit to incorporate physical activity into your day, every day.”


Dana Kay Resources:








International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD –

Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass –

ADHD Parenting Course –
ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –


Dive into a unique podcast experience where we explore innovative and natural strategies to support children with ADHD.

The Soaring Child Podcast hosted by Dana Kay, offers you a chance to listen in on conversations that could change the way you think about ADHD management.

Dana Kay, board certified health & nutrition practitioner, author of the best selling book Thriving with ADHD: A guide to naturally reducing ADHD symptoms In your child, leading ADHD expert but most importantly a mom with a child with ADHD who gets it.

As a mother of a child with ADHD, she knows firsthand the struggles that come with parenting a neurodiverse child & the freedom that is possible once parents learn to reduce ADHD symptoms. Dana has been featured in Forbes, on Fox & CBS, & various other online media. She has also been a guest at multiple parenting & ADHD summits & podcasts.

Her goal with the Soaring Child is to give hope & answers to parents of children with ADHD who are looking for alternative (natural) and effective means of helping them learn to thrive at home, at school, and in life.

Because children with ADHD deserve to soar, just like every other child.



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