
Soaring Child – Thriving With ADHD

Because we believe that every child – ADHD or not – deserves the opportunity to soar. 


81 – Parenting ADHD Kids Using the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions Model with Kim Hopkins-Betts

ADHD Thrive Institute
ADHD Thrive Institute
81 - Parenting ADHD Kids Using the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions Model with Kim Hopkins-Betts

Traditional parenting methods don’t often work for children with ADHD. Have you ever asked either of these questions:

Why don’t consequences work with some children?

What can parents do instead of these traditional methods that don’t work?

Kim Hopkins is an independently licensed clinical social worker who has specialized in working with behavioral challenged kids for more than 25 years. She has managed the clinical departments of two organizations serving youth and families in residential facilities, foster homes, therapeutic day schools, and homeless shelters.

She has been a Collaborative and Proactive Solutions, which is CPS for short, trainer since 2007, helping schools, residentials, hospitals, and parents to successfully implement the CPS model from Dr. Ross Greene. Kim is also the director of outreach and communication for Dr. Ross Greene’s nonprofit, Lives in the Balance.

In this episode, Kim shares tips about how to parent children with ADHD using the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions Model developed by Dr. Ross Greene.

 Show Notes

Key Takeaways:

[4:09] Why do some kids struggle more than others?

[6:10] Why do consequences often NOT work, and what can parents use instead?

[9:24] The first step in teaching kids lacking skills

[12:55] What parents can do in the heat of the moment (An Explanation of Plan A, B, & C of the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions Model)

[16:43] Summary of Plans A, B, & C

[17:48] The 3 steps in Plan B

[19:13] How long this system takes for families to incorporate

[22:56] Resources to help families begin using the CPS Model

[24:46] How Kim got started using the CPS Model

[26:39] Kim’s top tip for parents


Memorable Moments:

“Kids who exhibit behavior in the face of problems and frustrations do so because they lack the skills not to. This is a skills deficit situation. A lot of traditional parenting techniques talk about it as being a motivation deficit situation. We don’t believe that at all.”

”They [consequences] don’t get the job done because they’re not doing anything to address skills.”

“You can observe their feelings. You can observe their behavior. But it’s their thought process that if you had a little glance into would really position you to better help them.”

“Pouring on empathy…can really help bring a kid back to baseline.”

“The durable, problem-solving, skills-teaching piece happens only proactively.”

“Nothing good happens in the heat of the moment. So…let’s avoid you even getting there.”

”Step 1 is where you have the empathy step…Step 2 is the define the adult concern step…Step 3 is the invitation step where we’re going to invite the kid to consider possible solutions with us that address what they told us in the first step and what we said in the second step.”

“A good solution meets two criteria: it’s got to be realistic…and it’s got to be mutually satisfactory.”

“Tune out the noise of all the pressure that people are putting on you….You know your child.”

How to Connect with Kim Hopkins-Betts:



Dana Kay Resources:








International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD –

Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass –

ADHD Parenting Course –

ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –


Dive into a unique podcast experience where we explore innovative and natural strategies to support children with ADHD.

The Soaring Child Podcast hosted by Dana Kay, offers you a chance to listen in on conversations that could change the way you think about ADHD management.

Dana Kay, board certified health & nutrition practitioner, author of the best selling book Thriving with ADHD: A guide to naturally reducing ADHD symptoms In your child, leading ADHD expert but most importantly a mom with a child with ADHD who gets it.

As a mother of a child with ADHD, she knows firsthand the struggles that come with parenting a neurodiverse child & the freedom that is possible once parents learn to reduce ADHD symptoms. Dana has been featured in Forbes, on Fox & CBS, & various other online media. She has also been a guest at multiple parenting & ADHD summits & podcasts.

Her goal with the Soaring Child is to give hope & answers to parents of children with ADHD who are looking for alternative (natural) and effective means of helping them learn to thrive at home, at school, and in life.

Because children with ADHD deserve to soar, just like every other child.



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