
Soaring Child – Thriving With ADHD

Because we believe that every child – ADHD or not – deserves the opportunity to soar. 


50 – ADHD from a Psychiatric Perspective with Dr. Achina Stein

ADHD Thrive Institute
ADHD Thrive Institute
50 - ADHD from a Psychiatric Perspective with Dr. Achina Stein

In this episode of the Soaring Child, we are looking at ADHD from a psychiatric perspective, covering topics such as how a child is diagnosed with ADHD, common underlying stressors, dietary changes compared to medication, risks of stimulants, and so much more!

Dr. Achina Stein is a physician, board certified psychiatrist, and has been in practice since 1994. She’s also a certified practitioner of the Institute of Functional Medicine, a distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, and an energy healer. She’s the co-owner of her own private practice called Functional Mind.

She is the bestselling author of the book, What If It’s Not Depression: Your Guide to Finding Answers and Solutions and has been interviewed about her pioneering work as a functional medicine psychiatrist on many podcasts and summits.

Tune in to this episode to learn about ADHD from a psychiatrist’s perspective.

 Show Notes

Key Takeaways

[3:29] – What led Dr. Achina Stein to her current work

[10:40] – What is the DSM, and how is it created?

[14:23] – How are children typically diagnosed with ADHD?

[19:55] – Common underlying stressors/root causes

[21:35] – The importance of healthy digestion, protein, and healthy fats for children with ADHD

[23:03] – Dietary changes compared to medication

[24:49] – The Burp Test

[28:49] – Risks and side effects of stimulant medications

[32:52] – Key aspects of treatment plans that are sometimes missed


Memorable Quotes

“My goal for my patients is never to have someone suffer on a long term basis.”

“A diagnosis is only needed if you need accommodations, especially for ADHD…or if you want to go on medicine.”

“What the DSM is…it’s the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Disorders where a group of people have come together…They are all deemed experts on some level…And then they decide how a diagnosis is made. And none of these diagnoses are made through any objective data.”

“There are certain disorders that are considered normal in some cultures that are considered abnormal in other cultures.”

“The problem with these tests and with the DSM is that it actually says zero – nothing – about cause.” 

“Look at habits. I think many functional doctors miss that.” 

“I see a bigger change in people with a dietary change than I do with medications.”

“I would say 60% of people don’t tolerate medications as well, or respond to medications when medications are tried. I see a much more robust response to change in diet.”

“All mental health disorders basically have the same root causes.” 

“Everyone is going to have a genetic predisposition to something but you can flip those genes, because it’s not the genes that matter so much…it’s more the expression of those genes. And you can turn off those bad genes and turn on those good genes through foods and through stress management.” 

How to Connect with Dr. Achina Stein






Dana Kay Resources:









International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD –

Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass –

ADHD Parenting Course –

ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –


Dive into a unique podcast experience where we explore innovative and natural strategies to support children with ADHD.

The Soaring Child Podcast hosted by Dana Kay, offers you a chance to listen in on conversations that could change the way you think about ADHD management.

Dana Kay, board certified health & nutrition practitioner, author of the best selling book Thriving with ADHD: A guide to naturally reducing ADHD symptoms In your child, leading ADHD expert but most importantly a mom with a child with ADHD who gets it.

As a mother of a child with ADHD, she knows firsthand the struggles that come with parenting a neurodiverse child & the freedom that is possible once parents learn to reduce ADHD symptoms. Dana has been featured in Forbes, on Fox & CBS, & various other online media. She has also been a guest at multiple parenting & ADHD summits & podcasts.

Her goal with the Soaring Child is to give hope & answers to parents of children with ADHD who are looking for alternative (natural) and effective means of helping them learn to thrive at home, at school, and in life.

Because children with ADHD deserve to soar, just like every other child.



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