A Guide to Naturally Reducing ADHD Symptoms in Your Child

Thriving with ADHD gives parents of children with ADHD a proven step-by-step plan to naturally reduce ADHD symptoms and challenging ADHD behaviors.
No more guessing which strategies or remedies “might” help support kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. No more hoping that something “might” improve ADHD behaviors and then being disappointed when it doesn’t. Thriving with ADHD uses strategies that work!
For all caregivers who are on a mission to support kids with ADHD using food and other natural methods, Thriving with ADHD provides the blueprint to jumpstart the journey.
Years ago, I wanted a book that would clearly spell out exactly what I needed to do to support my son with ADHD naturally.
? But I couldn’t ever find it. ?
Can you relate to that desperate search for answers?
That constant googling for something – anything – that might actually help you get some relief from the challenging ADHD behaviors?
When I was looking for that book, I struck out.
Over and over again.
There was no book out there that gave me the information I needed in a way that I could understand and implement effectively.
Novelist Toni Morrison once said that “if you find a book you really want to read but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”
So that’s what I did!

Thriving with ADHD: A Guide to Naturally Reducing ADHD Symptoms in Your Child, is here!
This is my first book, and I think it’s going to be really helpful for caregivers of children with ADHD.
It’s my life’s work…the guide I needed when I started this journey with my son but couldn’t find.
It’s different from other books out there because I am not only a practitioner, but also a mom who “gets it.”
I have been where you are….at that place where every day is a challenge.
So this book isn’t written by someone who is far removed from the challenges that caregivers of children with ADHD face.
I get it. 100%
And I want to help YOU know where to start to support your child with ADHD naturally.
I have seen the principles I outline in the book work for nearly 1000 other families of children with ADHD, plus my own son.
And I would be honored to walk with you on this journey!