On this week’s episode of Soaring Child, we take a look at ADHD from the perspective of someone who’s had it. Chris Haddad is considered one of the best direct response copywriters in the world, as well as a best-selling author of the book, The Language of Desire. He’s also overcome several mental health challenges, including ADHD and bipolar disorder.
Chris shares his story of feeling tortured in his head all the time and not being able to emotionally regulate. He teaches students they’ve got everything they need inside of them to understand everyone around them, because we are all just human beings in pain and share so many of the same emotions.
He teaches those with ADHD that it’s not their fault and that there’s nothing wrong with them. It’s just how their brain operates chemically. He helps them understand they can be very successful financially and professionally by overcoming guilt and focusing on the positives. Many children with ADHD are quick thinkers, witty conversationalists, and have lots of energy.
Many kids think they’re being ostracized by others when in reality, they’re ostracizing themselves. It’s not that their brains are inferior; they’re just different. Chris points out that a lot of the most brilliant people in the world have had ADHD. Acceptance and a feeling of respect for those with ADHD is also important.
Chris’s advice to parents with children struggling with ADHD is this: Love them for what they are and not what you want them to be. There’s nothing wrong with them, and make sure they know that. They just have a different kind of brain. His advice to kids with ADHD is to be kind to yourself.