
Soaring Child – Thriving With ADHD

Because we believe that every child – ADHD or not – deserves the opportunity to soar. 


22 – A Successful View of ADHD with Chris Haddad

ADHD Thrive Institute
ADHD Thrive Institute
22 - A Successful View of ADHD with Chris Haddad

On this week’s episode of Soaring Child, we take a look at ADHD from the perspective of someone who’s had it. Chris Haddad is considered one of the best direct response copywriters in the world, as well as a best-selling author of the book, The Language of Desire. He’s also overcome several mental health challenges, including ADHD and bipolar disorder.

Chris shares his story of feeling tortured in his head all the time and not being able to emotionally regulate. He teaches students they’ve got everything they need inside of them to understand everyone around them, because we are all just human beings in pain and share so many of the same emotions.

He teaches those with ADHD that it’s not their fault and that there’s nothing wrong with them. It’s just how their brain operates chemically. He helps them understand they can be very successful financially and professionally by overcoming guilt and focusing on the positives. Many children with ADHD are quick thinkers, witty conversationalists, and have lots of energy.

Many kids think they’re being ostracized by others when in reality, they’re ostracizing themselves. It’s not that their brains are inferior; they’re just different. Chris points out that a lot of the most brilliant people in the world have had ADHD. Acceptance and a feeling of respect for those with ADHD is also important.

Chris’s advice to parents with children struggling with ADHD is this: Love them for what they are and not what you want them to be. There’s nothing wrong with them, and make sure they know that. They just have a different kind of brain. His advice to kids with ADHD is to be kind to yourself.

 Show Notes

Key Takeaways:

[10:20] How Chris’s teachers discovered he was really smart

[10:44] Challenges of high school, college, and youth

[13:19] Chris’s experience at Burning Man Festival

[18:20] Chris’s full mental breakdown

[19:50] How society judges people with ADHD

[21:39] Chris’s relationship with his brother

[26:58] How Chris handles his ADHD and mental challenges today

[30:43] How Chris stumbled upon his superpower of copywriting

[41:57] Advice for children with ADHD


Memorable Quotes:

“People ask me why I’m good at what I do and why I’m good at the empathy side of things particularly. And I think it’s just because with ADHD and bipolar, it heightens everything.” 

“It was always a joke that I was ADHD for most of my life, but I would never go to a psychiatrist or get diagnosed or get meds or anything like that. And I spent most of my youth thinking I was lazy, thinking there was something wrong with me.” 

“The biggest thing I learned was mental health issues are not a moral failing. A lot of kids who have ADHD go through life thinking it’s their fault, that there is something wrong with them or they’re not trying hard enough. All of that stuff is just crap.”

“Just because you’re dealing with ADHD, bipolar schizophrenia, or whatever it is, yeah it’s hard. It is really, really hard, but you can still reach a level of what people consider success, financial or otherwise. You can have an impact on people.”


How to connect with Chris: 


Guest Resources:

Chris Haddad is a legendary direct response copywriter and marketer whose sales have driven over $700 Million dollars in online sales.

He built his widely successful relationship advice company, Digital Romance, Inc. Under his pseudonym, “Michael Fiore,” and appeared on “The Rachael Rae Show” on Valentine’s day, 2010 to promote his “Text The Romance Back” program, as well as a slew of local television markets across the US.

He is a Wall Street Journal Best selling author and the Language of Desire was the top-selling relationship advice book on Amazon Kindle for over 5 years. Chris has been a featured speaker at a magnitude of speaking events all across the world and is considered.


Dana Kay Resources: 

Website –

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International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD –

Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass –

ADHD Parenting Course –

ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program –



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Dive into a unique podcast experience where we explore innovative and natural strategies to support children with ADHD.

The Soaring Child Podcast hosted by Dana Kay, offers you a chance to listen in on conversations that could change the way you think about ADHD management.

Dana Kay, board certified health & nutrition practitioner, author of the best selling book Thriving with ADHD: A guide to naturally reducing ADHD symptoms In your child, leading ADHD expert but most importantly a mom with a child with ADHD who gets it.

As a mother of a child with ADHD, she knows firsthand the struggles that come with parenting a neurodiverse child & the freedom that is possible once parents learn to reduce ADHD symptoms. Dana has been featured in Forbes, on Fox & CBS, & various other online media. She has also been a guest at multiple parenting & ADHD summits & podcasts.

Her goal with the Soaring Child is to give hope & answers to parents of children with ADHD who are looking for alternative (natural) and effective means of helping them learn to thrive at home, at school, and in life.

Because children with ADHD deserve to soar, just like every other child.



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